Music Tuition Application

Music tuition application

Pupil's school and instrument he/she would like to have lessons for
School year:
Check this box if already learning this instrument
A NMPAT teacher will help beginner pupils to select the most appropriate instrument
Current grade:
Tuition length (minutes):
    The school is in receipt of pupil premium for the applicant

    Select if you would like to apply for pupil premium bursary

Enter pupil's details
Enter parent/guardian details
Relationship to pupil:
Enter address
Submit application

You have completed the application for school tuition for your child.

Tuition will be based on 15 minutes of teaching time per pupil which will be delivered as an individual lesson or as shared 30 min lesson where appropriate.

The cost of this will be £100 per term, with a minimum of 30 lessons delivered across the accademic year.

 I confirm that I would lke to apply for instrument tuition for my child. I accept NMPAT Terms and Conditions
 I have read and accept NMPAT Terms and Conditions
Confirmation page

    0    stuiappl    /musicinschool/stuiappl.asp?sid=&uid=&iid=&pid=&pback=            stuihome.asp?sid=&uid=&iid=&pid=&x=0&y=0&code=119    /ajax_o/    PBETA=False    PROOT=    ?sid=&uid=&iid=&pid=&pback=stuiappl    <#H#>
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STAP0,0 m0,0x p0,0x s0,0x srv0,0x i0x year23[0] 0x00008000
SSRV0,0 srv0,0x s0,0x 0x00000000 --    editMode=    GRADE=        <#INIT#><#/INIT#>    0x00008000
STAP0,0 m0,0x p0,0x s0,0x srv0,0x i0x year23[0] 0x00008000
SSRV0,0 srv0,0x s0,0x 0x00000000 --    <#MAIN#><#/MAIN#>
STuiApplYearSel=True    CNF0,0 def:cnfd0,0x iUser:iust0,0x 0x00000000    v= v.v=
select,a.listName,a.dfe from iPresto!ischools a where and bittest(a.flag,0) and a.onList order by a.listName into cursor crOrg    59
GRADE=    grade=0
TXT0,0        <#END#><#/END#>
iSEt0,0 iUser:iust0,0x masterUser:iust0,0x 26/12/2024 13:43     / /      / / : :     ent=0,0
    iUST0,0 0x00000000     U0,0    entity0,0    LS (LI,LO)
    ENTITY: null
    Config2    CNF0,0 def:cnfd0,0x iUser:iust0,0x 0x00000000
    Freetext    TXT0,0
    Iuser_iusert :Iusert    iUST0,0 0x00000000     U0,0    entity0,0    LS (LI,LO)
    Mailcfg :Emailcfg    ECFG0,0 t0,0x 0x00000000 OWNER    
    ACC=    NAME=    DFLT=N    SH=N    
    IMAP            993    SSL=Y
    SMTP:         587    SSL=Y    AUTH=Y
    Masteruser_iusert :Iusert    iUST0,0 0x00000000     U0,0    entity0,0    LS (LI,LO)
    Schinstrgroup    SIG0,0 s0,0x igr0x 0x00000000
    School    S0,0 st0x area0,0x clst0x parentSch:s0,0x 0x00000000 w33
    Stuiappl    STAP0,0 m0,0x p0,0x s0,0x srv0,0x i0x year23[0] 0x00008000
    Sub_config2 :Config2    CNF0,0 def:cnfd0,0x iUser:iust0,0x 0x00000000
    Sub_config :Config    CFG0 :
    Sub_profile :Profile    PROF0
    Config2 0     CNF0,0 def:cnfd0,0x iUser:iust0,0x 0x00000000
    Freetext 0     TXT0,0
    Schinstrgroup 0     SIG0,0 s0,0x igr0x 0x00000000
    School 0     S0,0 st0x area0,0x clst0x parentSch:s0,0x 0x00000000 w33
    Stuiappl 0     STAP0,0 m0,0x p0,0x s0,0x srv0,0x i0x year23[0] 0x00008000
{Msg:} {Err(0):) MasterSes:0
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Path = data, c:\inetpub\db\iPresto, c:\inetpub\db\iPresto\data, c:\inetpub\db\iPresto\libs c:\inetpub\db\vfpxy\libs
ip =
msg =
tag =
err =
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errCmd =
errTag =
datas.count = 3
sys(5)+Sys(2003) = C:\INETPUB\DB\IPRESTO
Set('Default') = C: